....I am getting more frazzled. Trying to box up our belongings while still living is a "tad" annoying! Forgetting what I have boxed up until I remember that I need it is getting on my nerves. Remembering to call the utility companies, garbage company, phone company, etc. has taken up way to much of my time (I just want to transfer our phone and internet service to the new house. No I do not want to bundle with cable. Nope we don't need a great deal on a cell phone. I just want to transfer our service. No I do not want to upgrade our internet to save us money on a package that will actually cost us more money! No I do not need call forwarding or 3 way calling! I JUST WANT TO TRANSFER OUR SERVICE!!!).
My poor blog has been neglected this week. I have lots of posts swimming in my head, but not enough time to put them in writing. I have been stressed about that this week, but I've come to realize that It's All Good! God has everything under control, and I need to rest in this. My family and home(s) need my attention in the coming weeks. I can't do it all, and the idea's swimming in my head will still be there when the time is right.
So I hope you will understand that I am taking a break for a couple of weeks. We are moving next weekend, and this coming week will be crazy busy. I will then need to focus on the new house and settling in there while making my kiddo's feel at home in our new home. I'll be back to blogging as soon as the time is right!