I was thrilled to find out I had been nominated by a fellow blogger for the Liebster Blog Award! Thank you so much to Shannon at Imperfectly Perfect Grace for the nomination! Then I thought, wait, WHAT is the Liebster Blog Award? How have I never heard of this? I headed over to Shannon's blog to check this one out!
What is the Liebster Blog award?
The Liebster Blog Award is given to up and coming bloggers who have not yet hit the 200 follower mark. The award is presented by a fellow blogger as a sort of pat on the back "you've got a great thing started" type of award. "liebster" is German for "favorite" This makes this the "favorite blog award". Since I'm also German, this makes it doubly fun!
The rules.
1. List 11 facts about yourself.
2. Answer the 11 questions given to you.
3. Create 11 new questions for the bloggers you nominate for the award.
4. Choose 11 bloggers with 200 or less followers to nominate.
5. Go to each bloggers page and let them know about the award.
6. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.
First...the facts!
~I LOVE cherries, but especially cherry pie filling. I will eat an entire can in one sitting!
~I was a cheerleader in middle and high school, and I still remember some of the cheers!
~I think the big hair styles of the 80's should come back in style (but, really, only because my hair is so thick that I always have big hair!)
~If my husband didn't stop me, I'd have more purses than I could count!
~I cry during almost any movie, including animated ones! (Now, seriously, who didn't cry during the movie UP? And don't even get me started on the movie Hachi!)
~I listen to Christmas music all year long~although during the summer I must do it when I'm by myself or hubby will go crazy!
~I'd like to add about 6 more kids to our family!
~I'm having a hard time accepting that I will be 40 in just 11 months. I still try to tell my kids that I'm 29. Since my daughter will be 16 soon, she tells me I can't say that anymore. I say then I'll tell other's that I'm her sister! She didn't really like that one!!
~I'm still afraid of thunderstorms.
~While I always wanted to be a wife and mother, I never thought that I would love it or them this much!
~I thought I was a pretty dull person until I had to come up with 11 facts about myself!
Now the questions from Shannon:
-What is a fun fact people might not know? Peanut butter cups are my absolute favorite candy, and my kids give them to me for Christmas presents!
-What age did you start driving? 16, but as my daughter nears that age, I'm thinking it should be changed to 20!
-What is your favorite item in your closet? My light blue zippered sweatshirt
-Who has been a major influence in your life? my grandmother's
-What is your dream day like? House gets cleaned, schooling gets done, delicious meals are served and everyone is happy. Honestly, if everyone is happy, that's a good day!
-Favorite song at this moment? I have so many, but right now it is Silent Night or O Holy Night (I told you I loved to listen to Christmas music!!)
-What did you want to be when you grew up? an ice skater or a singer~~funny...I can't do either one very well!
-What is something you have on your to do list? Date night with hubby. We don't do that nearly as much as we should and I really enjoy spending time alone with him.
-Would you prefer to be at the beach or out on the ocean? I've never been to an ocean, so I guess I'll say beach!
-What celebrity or well known figure would you like to have over to dinner? This is a hard one because I've never thought about it, but I'm going to say Rachel Ray, just because she seems to have so much fun in the kitchen and such great ideas!
-What is the short answer to why you started your blog? I hope to help other women become the woman God wants for them to be. And to hold myself accountable also!
Questions for the blogs I've nominated
~What is your favorite season?
~What is your favorite dessert?
~If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
~What year did you graduate high school?
~What is your idea of a perfect night out?
~What is your favorite color?
~What is the funniest thing you've ever done?
~What is the most favorite item you have in your home?
~What do you enjoy most about snow(If you get snow!)?
~Who are your best friends?
~Why did you start your blog?
Fun Blogs I'm Nominating for the Liebster Blog Award!
Check out these great blogs, and thanks to Shannon for nominating me!