Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Note To Self~~LIGHTEN UP!!

Life isn't about schedules or timelines.  Life is about living and sometimes letting the little things go.

When kiddo's just want to play in their pj's instead of starting schoolwork~~~don't always say NO!

When kiddo's make a huge mess of the living room~~Send a quick prayer thanking God for this mess.

Getting out EVERY one of my pots and pans to use as drums?  Go ahead!

Enjoy THIS moment.

It's gone much to fast!


They are so worth it!


So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God"
1 Corinthians 10:31

Linking up with~~
Growing Home     a-wise-woman-builds-her-home      Deep Roots at Home


  1. nice post thanks for sharing..found you thrue other bloggers hope visiting more..blessings

  2. It was a real blessing to stop by your blog and read about your children 'cooking' on your living room floor. It brought back the fondest memories of my children doing the same things. Why did I buy them play dishes and pots and pans?!

    I love the looks of your blog background and header!!

    Thanks for linking up with me last week over at WholeHearted Home. I was away so delayed in getting over to visit you :-) Hope to see you again tomorrow as it is linkup time!!

  3. I just wrote about the same thing!
    Embracing the beautiful moments...seems you and I were kindred spirits on this topic, published on the same day :)

    Here's to many, many, many more beautiful moments. *cheers*

    And here you can read about my beautiful moments if you choose to do so: www.fanta4two.com.

    Be blessed sister!
    In Him,


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