Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Oh, Christmas Tree

You won't find fancy decorations or color coordination on our Christmas tree.  No themed Christmas tree's here.  What you will find is a lot of ornaments that are meaningful to our family.

Ornaments that our kiddo's made for us as they were growing

 Or the ornament that reminds us what Christmas is really all about

Or the ornaments that celebrate special moments in our family's life

 Or ornaments that tell the story of how our family began

Or those ornaments that are just for fun

 Or those ornaments that remind us of the different stages in our kiddo's lives
Each year we look forward to decorating the tree and getting out the family decorations again.  We love to laugh as we remember each of the ornaments and who they belonged to or what the reason was for each of them.  Each year we add an ornament or two.  Someday when our kiddo's are grown, I may share an ornament or two with them to start their tree's.  But for now, I love our simple, lovely tree.


"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God"
1 Corinthians 10:31

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