Monday, January 21, 2013

{TRUST}~Five Letters, One Scary Word!

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Many people have been choosing their "word" for the year.  I have been thinking about that a lot lately, trying to decide if I chose a word for the year what would it be?  I could choose something like "intentional" because I would like to be more intentional with so many things.  I could choose the word "discipline", because I need self discipline in so many areas.   Or I could choose the word "thankful", because I believe that if you choose to be grateful for everything, you can see the beauty in so many things.

After much thought (it is almost the end of the month already!), I have decided that my word of the year would be....


This is a very scary word for me.  I know that God's ways are perfect.  I know that whatever He has planned for me will be far better than anything I can imagine.  I know that He will carry me through and provide for anything I need.
So why do I struggle with FEAR?
I will admit, part of the reason is because I am a control freak.  I like need to know what is going to happen, how it will happen, when it will get the picture.  Following where the Lord leads means I am giving all control to Him, and accepting whatever His will is.  I really want to do this, but FEAR keeps getting in the way.
I fear what the future could hold.  I fear getting out of my comfort zone.  I fear what others would think of me.  I fear failure.  I fear the cost~financial, emotional, physical or otherwise. 
I can look on our life and see the times we obeyed God's prompting.  I see how stressed we were making excuses and I see the peace when we were acting in obedience.  I see it during our adoption.  I see it in our decision to homeschool.  I see it in job offers both accepted and declined. 
So this year, I will work on trust.  This verse says it all for me... 
 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways  submit to him, and he will make your paths straight".  Proverbs 3:5-6


  1. Yeah, I think reminding ourselves of how God came through for us in the past is a helpful way to combat our fears. I struggle with this one too, Jess. But I'm so glad you are choosing it and putting yourself out there. I think your faith is already growing! Great post!

  2. God has been teaching me so much about Trust over the last couple of years. It is incredibly hard to let go of the control we think we have. But you are so right about the peace when we are following Him whole-heartedly.

  3. I would love to stop worrying too Jess, I have come a long way though, and God has helped me thus far. But I know it still creeps in on me sometimes...
    I choose to trust too, thanks for sharing Jess.
    Visiting from Titus Tuesday, have a super blessed day!

  4. Visiting from SDG, your words are a great reminder to trust in God. The bit I struggle most with is 'when it will happen' - just trusting in God's timing and that He can see the bigger picture.

  5. Trust is my word for this next year. Honestly I have struggle even saying this will my word. After living by faith in two foreign countries, traveling into some of the most remote place on this planet you would think I had this one nailed down. Not so...there is always something new to trust Him for but fear stems from the same place, our flesh. God's mercies are new every morning for what comes our way. Mercy for when we fail to trust Him, mercy that will pick us up and set us back on the solid rock. I will be back to check on how you are doing with trust, I know I will find encouragement from a sister in Christ and a wise one at that. Blessings.

  6. I too am at a point of just trusting in Him and waiting for whatever He brings me. I hear and understand what he's asking and look forward with anticipation, but am, like you, used to knowing what's coming and when, so this being patient while I be obedient thing can be a bit out of my element at times...
    He is good and always takes care of me and my household, so I know the outcome will be Amazing!!!

  7. For years I lived in the bondage of FEAR. It was when the Lord began teaching me about TRUST that He was ready to deal with my fears. The study "Loving God with All Your Mind" by Elizabeth George was a great help to me in learning how to take thoughts captive and to focus on TRUTH. I found you through the Hearts 4 Home link up.

  8. Stopping in from Thankful Thursday. What a great post. I really must learn to trust.


  9. What a fantastic word for the year. I struggled to have just one word he he he. Thank you for linking up with TP31S. Tara.

  10. I struggle with this very thing! I KNOW that God is in control and always works for my good, but sometimes it is really hard to believe that with my heart. It's encouraging to know I'm not alone--and that by God's grace he keeps helping us learn to trust him, even though we have to try again every day!

  11. wow, this post could have been written by me because I struggle with the same thing. This first month of 2013 has really tested my trust in the Lord. Just like you I KNOW in my brain His way is perfect and better than anything I could plan, but trusting in my heart is a constant struggle...thank you for the encouraging verse :)

  12. Ahhh, that's definitely one of my top 5 favorite passages from the Word of God. Thank you for a delightful encouragement and visit via Women Helping Women.

  13. I believe we need to be reminded of that word. We need to trust God everyday:)

  14. What a good word to have chosen for this year. To choose a word that will stretch us is such a good thing!! I need to trust more too...and isn't it interesting how much trust has to do with fear? Fear keeps us from trusting!!


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