Monday, September 12, 2011

Our Labor Day Weekend

I know I'm a week late, but I wanted to share a little from our Labor Day weekend.  Hubby had a three day weekend (which is ALWAYS nice!), and Stinkerbelle didn't have volleyball, so we got to spend some time together as a family.  We didn't do much on Saturday, but did have a bon~fire that evening.  It was a little chilly, and started sprinkling after we got the fire started, but it was still good!

The kids found a Cicada and wanted to keep him in a plastic container.  He was released a short while later (To his great pleasure, I'm sure!) 

 Stinkerbelle thought it was just to cold to be outside, even by the fire, and read a book!
 On the way inside, we found this frog jumping around!

Monday we went near a lake to take a walk around some paths they had.  Then we drove past our state capital, went out for a late lunch, came home and finished up some outside projects.  The weather was a little chilly, but it was nice to just take the day casually. 

Have a great day!


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